Thursday, August 28, 2008


I spent the last two days in Vancouver and it was... exhausting. All the people in a rush hurrying around. Puh.

Well, let's start at the beginning. Of course we missed our first ferry by 4 cars. But we kept our spirits up and just went back to Gibson to get some food (delicious omelet). Oh, speaking of food: I just had a Oreo Cakester...SO GOOD! I don't know why we don't have something like that in Germany. Oh, and I never mentioned the 37 pound sockeye salmon we had on the first party. You know, 37 pounds don't tell me much, but when I saw that fish I said: "What the f*ck?! That's no fish, that's a f*cking wale!" That's how big it was. My, it was sooo yummie!

OK, back to Vancouver. When we finally arrived in Van Down Town (my Mom did an incredibly good job driving that massive car!) and when we actually found a parking spot (it wasn't easy, I tell you) we first went to the Information Center to get some theatre cards. I really had liked to go to the Shakespeare Festival, but it was sold out. But we got some tickets for SubUrbia. More later.
First goal was: shopping, shopping, shopping.
Now, most of the people know that I hate shopping. Sorry, I'm just not that cliché-girl. Mom and Georgie took off by themselves and left me with the two love birds (I must say they behaved very well, no making-out when I was around). We found this really cool Vintage store. I liked a green t-shirt but it was way to expensive (or at least I thought so). Then we just kind of wandered in the streets (because I refused to go in weird "I'm a hot chic so I have to buy all my stuff in here"- stores. I guess hooker-shoes are in right now, I saw a lot!
After 1,5 hours we drove to ... well, great. Now I can't remember the name. It's hmhmhm Island. Something Island. Damn. I just thought of it though. It will come back-
So we drove to this really cool area in Vancouver Down Town, had some dinner and went to the theater. It was tiny! Itsybitsy tiny! But I liked it. The play SubUrbia was very modern (as always you can notice on the language... a lot of "fucks" and "shits") and basically it was about throwing you life away, alcoholism, homophobia and about this one kid who made his own way out of it. Quite entertaining. There was a discussion afterward, but Georgie was so tired, so went "home" to Nancy and Brian, where we had a nice chat (they actually brought me a very beautiful puzzle from Jerusalem, because I want to learn some ancient Hebrew!) and Brian and me talked a lot about the Pessach Haggada. Really interesting!
So, the next morning we started the serious shopping. Not just looking around.
Well, long story short: I found two pairs of perfect jeans. Girl jeans. And very cheap for they had a special promotion that day. That made me one happy Sasa.
Jil and Konsti bought some very nice shoes and Georgia... hm, she bought more or less half of Vancouver.
We met at 3 pm for coffee and although I really would have liked to go to the National Gallery or the Planetarium (the have some pretty cool stuff you can do there!), Jil and Konsti were tired and exhausted, so we went back home.

There would be more to write (like: What happened to happy childhood? To "I'm 13, boys are stupid and I love to giggle with my girlfriends"? When did it turn into "I'm 13, pierced from head to toe, pregnant, my boyfriends in jail and yes, of course I do drugs, stupid" ? Hey! If you have kids and want to make them happy in a very normal childish way, check out the books of ROBERT MUNSCH! His characters, especially the Paper Bag Princess, were my heroes!), but I have to go to Sechelt now!

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