the ocean
lovely, isn't it?!
brand new and oh so great!
breakfast view :)
toys for boys!
I decided to start posting some photos, then I won't have to pic out the most stunning ones when we're back to Germany like last year. I wanted to put in some more, but it just takes too long. When Konsti is here, I'll put some of his work in (he's really good with photography)!
Yesterday some of my beloved relatives arrived (Uncle Martyn, Aunty Rebecca and their two daughters Olivia and Isabell; Aunty April and her boyfriend Corey; Aunty Susan and Uncle Harold and their dog Megabite) and we had a great evening hanging out together. Or better we had a good time cracking up all the time; we we're laughing so hard sometimes, really wonderful. Today the rest will come to the coast, also Jilly and Konsti. In total we'll be 22 people (7 children up to 13 years) and 2 dogs (and that's just the closest family). And then imagine all the friends coming over as well... Oh boy.
I forgot something for my Like-List: the seals! They actually come to your kayak, their little round heads breaking through the water, looking at you with big, big eyes. They are so damn cute!
Ach verdammt, ich bin betrunken und das machts nur noch härter. Nächstes mal komm ich mit. Tolle Bilder.
Hab übrigens von dir geträumt. War cool.
Erzähl mal bei Gelegenheit was Du so schönes geträumt hast :)
Soo. Party II steigt in einer Stunde!
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