Well, first of all, I finally started my Shakespeare stuff on Friday in the morning (like first thing after I woke up at 8 o'clock). God, I felt so relieved! I now know at which angle I'd like to analyse the play and that's a very big first step. Everything else goes from that...
To be honest, I can't really remember what I then did until 4 pm, oh ya! I went to Sechelt with Jil and Konsti, that was quite nice. And then my Mom, Nana and I took the Ferry to Vancouver. I was a little nervous, because Nancy's mother would be over and I've been told that she hates everybody under 50. Yay! But she really was looking forward to meeting my Nana, because they both served while WW II and she kind of likes the old ladies to talk over the good old times or something.
So, at first she ignored me more or less (30 years to young to be interesting, so I guess I was more of the annoying girl), so I had a good chat with Nancy, who of course wouldn't let me help prepare dinner. OMG, dinner was sooo good! It was delicious! Really. Great. And during supper the old lady started talking to me. Like really talking in a good conversation style. So when everybody went over to the fireplace after dinner to chat and drink the rest of the wine, I stayed with the ladies and listened to their stories. I think I learned a lot this evening. Just so much they went through, everything that they experienced. And every now and then they would ask me "How is it for woman nowadays? How do you see the world now?" I had a good time.
It was amazing to see those two old (84 and 87) women discussing things they had planned in the future (like going on a major trip through Europe next summer with a then 91 year old friend!) and looking at them I thought that a lot of German people age kind of spießig (can't think of a good English translation, sorry.)
And then, of course, Brian and I started discussing religion. After a few hours of doing so we were surrounded by books (party Hebrew partly English), lost in questions and answers... kind of geeky, I know, but it was really awesome! I enjoyed it a lot. Well, eventually I got tired, so I went of to bed.
The next day I was allowed to visit the service in the Synagogue. I was kind of nervous (again and very understandably I find), but I calmed myself by telling me that I actually knew how to behave and stuff. I also knew the most important prayers (the one where you shut up) and a few Hebrew words I would need. So things were actually settled. And then -well, it was amazing. I don't know how to put it into words. The reader, a woman with a very wonderful voice, was outstanding good. It was just great to listen to. And a boy names Zachary had his Bar Mitzwah (the last one this year, so I was lucky), and he did so well! I never met him before, but I was kind of proud just seeing him- and when his Mom gave her speech I actually had to blink back my tears which would have been embarrassing when not everyone else felt the same. After the service (it lasted 3,5 hours) everybody was invited for lunch (isn't that a wonderful tradition)? And a lot of people came up to me, greeted me with a "Schabbat Schalom!". Of course I answered the same (even with the North American accent) and I then was introduced as Brian's niece (it was easier that way... ) who studies theatre art and religious studies and Munich, Germany. Puh, I was very glad that my accent wasn't strong enough to give me away. I guess this whole experience can only be described as beautiful. And it really was.
Hm, after that I met my Mom and Nana at the Art Gallery and we then drove of to the airport. After saying our Good-Byes (I hate doing that) it was back home for us.
Now I'm going to bake some Peach Crumble (you ever had Apple or Peach Cruble? No? Well, than you really missed out! Try it when you get the chance!)
OK, so here's a recipe, I can't really let you go without knowing how do bake a Apple Cramble, you'll love it!

300g/10½oz plain flour, sieved pinch of salt
175g/6oz unrefined brown sugar
200g/7oz unsalted butter, cubed at room temperature
Knob of butter for greasing
450g/1lb apples, peeled, cored and cut into 1cm/½in piece or peaches
50g/2oz unrefined brown sugar
1 tbsp plain flour
1 pinch of ground cinnamon (you don't really need it when you do peaches)
1. Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas 4.
2. Place the flour and sugar in a large bowl and mix well. Taking a few cubes of butter at a time rub into the flour mixture. Keep rubbing until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs. (Use hands, it's disgusting to have the stuff under your fingernails, but you have to set priorities: yummie food or perfect manicured fingers...?!)
2. Place the fruit in a large bowl and sprinkle over the sugar, flour and cinnamon. Stir well being careful not to break up the fruit.
3. Butter a 24cm/9in ovenproof dish. Spoon the fruit mixture into the bottom, then sprinkle the crumble mixture on top.
4. Bake in the oven for 40-45 minutes until the crumble is browned and the fruit mixture bubbling.
5. Serve with thick cream or custard.
Hm, I like to put in some Harvest Crunch and oatmeal... (originally because I added too much butter, but it turned out to be really yummie!)
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