Friday was kind of crazy. I spent most of my day running around, organizing, greeting arriving family and friends (or people I met when I was about 5 months old "Now look at you! You're a lady! Last time I saw you...blablabla!"). But everything was settled half an hour before the guest started to come over, so I even had time to fix myself up. Nothing too fancy, but clean jeans and a nice t-shirt.
And then the party was so much fun! Especially because my little cousins Momo (7), Didi (4) and Sansan (2) (check out the stories I wrote about them last year!), their real names are William, Nicolas and Charles, but nobody ever calls them by them. God, I do love kids. And Sansan... well, he's just sooo cute! They couldn't remember me of course, but during the evening we warmed up to each other and in the end I was building pillow forts with them.
I talked to a lot of people though the evening and I really enjoyed each conversation. It just felt so good to be with the family and of course also good close friends like Karen and John, Sandy, Karen (a different one),... And Laddy, an old friend of my Dad, brought home made cookies and -damn- they were yummie! He also brought his son Mark who looks like the typical hockey player. In fact, that's what he did, he was a pro player for Chicago. But he now came back to live with his dad. We got a long pretty well, for he's only a few years older. AND he can play the guitar like a god. Honestly, I was flabbergasted (isn't that a stupid word?). So late at night, when most of the guests had gone home, he got his instrument and played while I was singing. It was very nice, although we had some problems finding songs (either I knew the lyrics but he didn't know the song or the other way around). It was the perfect ending for this extremely pleasant party.
The next day I was up pretty early again, fixing breakfast etc. And then, at around 11, Jil, Konsti and I left for the Higgledy Piggledy Parade! Now, how do I explain?! A lot of hippies, dressed up. That's for sure. A lot of blue, please don't ask me why. A lot of dope too. Pretty weird would do I guess.

hippie on stilts
At around 2 or 3, people started coming over, talking, drinking Gin Tonic (at least now I know why I like that stuff: nearly everyone in this family loves it!). So we had company all day long until there was only half an hour left to get prepared for the more formal party at the gumboot café.
There we had delicious food (salad, duck/fish and sorbet), but beforehand I played with the boys outside. They have so much energy! And we discovered a new favourite game. It's called "Sasa-Monster is chasing you!". So time flew by.
After the main dish Jil, Georgia and I sang for my Dad (you know the song "My Guy"? It was used in Sister Act I as "My God". We sang "My Dad"). But right in the middle of it I looked at my Dad, who was crying, so I started to well up too. It didn't go with the singing, but I took a few deep breaths and then I could go on. I didn't really matter anyway, because after that my uncles and aunties made their speaches and 20 minutes later everybody was crying. I don't think there is such an emotional family in the world.
Thank God there was desert to calm down again :) After taking a family picture (it was the first time I could recall that everybody of the Krys-family was in one place at the same time)

the Krys-Family singing "Three Irish Man"
everybody left eventually, and in the end Mark and I were left. So we decided to go to Sechelt to find a bar and have some drinks or a coffee. Well, the Starbucks was closed, so ended up in a bar right beside it and we talked quite a long time. When we got kicked out, because they were closing, we drove back home and I went happily to bed (well, I bonked my head on the window before because they forgot I exist and closed the door which was why I had to run around the house in total darkness. Really, it hurt a lot.)
Sunday was a great day! The family, Nancy, Yawni, Jason and Sandy came over and we spend the day together. Sansan basically gloed to my waist or hand, except when he was asleep (then I played cards with Didi and Momo). We played "go go go" (go to see the go go, which is Chinese for dog) for hours or he would -and this is just so cute I can't stand it- run around with a little rope, humming the Indiana Jones Theme and having "adventures". You see, he's only two, so he actually just can say syllables, but when you asked him during this game "Hey, Sansan, who are you?" he would give you this look "What's wrong with you, jerk." and say "Indana Jone". So incredible sweet! I'd like to take him home, but I have this feeling that Uncle Bill and Aunt Joy wouldn't be too pleased about that.
Sansan sleeping in my bed
Well, somewhen the girls (Georgie, Shea, Livi and Lulu) made some KD (OMG, I forgot to put Kraft Dinner an my Like-List! Silly Sasa!) and two hours later Bill went out to buy some steaks. We also had some corn left (I shared one with Sansan, there are really nice pictures of it), so everyone really pigged out. At 10 in the evening Bill went out again to get some steak. I mean, can you believe it?! By then, we didn't really have anything else left, so we just ate the meat. Yum Yum :)
Today we want to biuld a sundeck with a bar on the beach. Of course just with what we can find on the beach, so it's a big project and also an adventure for the boys. I'm looking forward to it!
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