Sunday, August 26, 2007

3 stupid things to do if you can't sleep

I'll write this in English because I'm just too damn annoyed to think of the German words and phrases and stuff.

This is getting insane, I can tell you. I try so hard, although not pressuring myself, but sleep won't come to me until about 7 a.m.
I went to bed at half past 10, got up at half past 1 a.m., pretty pissed off at myself, if I say so.
I did what I do every night after lying around several hours: I read, watch TV (but not tonight) or just simply think and muse and dream. I actually "wrote" a discussion on "Schleichwerbung" in my head about an hour ago. Quite interesting with what arguments I came up with... Maybe I should write more often being tired and worn out.

I decided to write down the 3 stupidest things I done the last few nights:

3. I plugged in my iPod and danced in my room to tire myself out. Thank God nobody saw me.

2. I got onto Internet and started looking for a apartment in Eichstätt where my best male friend is going to study. He hasn't done so himself and I know him well enough to know that he'll wait until it's almost too late.

1. I just went downstairs to bake some chocolate chips cookies. But I first got my iPod, started listening to Feist's album "Let it die" and cleaning the kitchen, which took half an hour. While that I got into cooking- mood, mouthing the words of the music and wiggle my but to the rhythm. Then I got all the baking ingredients and discovered that we've ran out of flour. So no cookies tonight. Bummer.

Guess I'll be back reading, thinking, musing and dreaming, hoping for some sleep.

As I said, this is getting insane... and I'm so screwed up.

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